Murr: you and me in the kitchen and I was eating cereal but I was digging through the box trying to get to the prize
Murr: going I know they put it in here, I know they did
Reyn: lmao
Murr: and you were telling me that's stupid no one would be dumb enough to put it in a cereal box
Reyn: we agrue alot in your dreams or go back and forth
Murr: and I pulled out this little... carved gold square that was slightly raised on one side like a pyramid had a smoky gem on it that was swirling with like some sort of mist or something inside
Murr: yeah we do
Murr: it's bad
Murr: but we always
Murr: not like we don't sit here and argue anyways ;p
Murr: anyways so I like shoved it at you and said ha!
Reyn: lmao
Murr: and you were mumbling and I started laughing and called someone to let them know and went back to eating my cereal
Reyn: you need to write that down
Reyn: well you know don't think we're on escourt duty anymore
Reyn: we're looking for stuff
Murr: I was trying to remember all the others I had between waking up
Murr: I've been looking for things for a while now
Murr: the house in the swamp dream?
Murr: the box
Murr: all the houses
Murr: I'm always looking for something
Murr: and it's always pyramid like or ancient and has to do with the stars
Reyn: yeah last dream I had of escourting was walking beside the river in the rain and mud
Murr: yeah
Reyn: I'm looking at stuff