Monday, November 28, 2005
Khalara, Complex, and.. More Searching 11/28/05
So it started off the same way they're all starting lately.. think I seriously need some release.
Dream switched to Khalara then.. with Charlie helping Alex in his office, and the Morrigan appeared out of nowhere with a prophecy.. I can't remember the words. I dunno what started Khalara again.. but was like checking up on how everyone was.. lots of women either were pregnant or had their babies already and the Duils and Jolie were perfecting their combining/attack thing.. I dunno. Anyways..
Switched to the complex for a while. More of the I can't believe you agreed to do the experiment you have to change your mind I won't let you do it, you're on my team, I'm your team leader I get a say in this so you AREN'T doing it.. more pushing and shoving and fighting and make up.
Woke up briefly from that and went back to sleep.. it was.. I was in Memphis or somwhere, it looked familiar.. and I was tagging along with this group of four people. Doing research for something.. some archaeological dig or treasure hunt.. like usual, lately. Anyways we... were at a restaurant discussing what our next move was, and this guy shows up and says.. "I know you don't trust me, but you're just going to have to because I know where the obelisks are." So.. we argued over that a bit then had him sit down and we started making plans to go find the obelisk which was out in Samaria (present day.. Jordan) and then another one was in the Gobi Desert. The obelisks had keys to something else we had to find, then the keystones get put into the obelisks and.. something happens, I dunno what.
Too much of it has faded now. *sighs*