So I was like in Louisiana with my in-laws and J wasn't around.. and my brother in-law Jarod had gotten his driver's permit and he wanted to take me out to McDonald's to go eat.. so he convinced his mom that he wasn't hungry for pizza and dragged me out.. and he's driving his dad's truck and like runs a red light getting there and he has an antenna or something setup for his mom's cell phone in her suv and she's behind us driving?
So we got there and there's like this huge kind of.... fun obstacle course or something setup.. and you have to go through it to get into the building? So we go up and we're like talking and catching up and stuff and you have to climb up this huge swinging catwalk thing that gets progessively higher up and there's like all these girls complaining about it and we just kept going.
Finally get inside and we start eating and everything and then my dad shows up and says he needs my help for something so I told Jarod to stay put and I'd come back for him. Go with Dad.. he has to pick up something from a party at the Circle (the bar he goes to up in SD) and I wind up having to play bartender for a bit while he talks to people.. and someone asked me if I was pregnant and that was when I realized that I was female.. and.. yup.. pregnant.. wtf? So I'm like yeah and she starts gushing saying how great I look and I shouldn't be working and dad finishes up and I go with him and he has me drive... and it's his damn beat up Willis pickup truck.. so we're driving and I'm like killing my arms trying to get the steering wheel to turn and all..
And Dad looks over at me and he's like calling someone on his cell and he says "Do I look like a real cop when I'm calling you?" was like... ok wtf is this.. "Yeah.. well at least you do it with confidence and that's what makes a difference.." and then Reyn came on and I woke up.
There was more to it than that, but it's all faded now. I remember something vaguely from the complex where I had refused to do the experiment but I don't remember any specifics.. strange ass night.. not sure what all that was about.