Alright, so this wasn't actually a dream, it was something that happened today, but I felt like I needed to write it down anyways. Log taken from talking to Reyn, I'll elaborate more.
Murr: so besides the fact that my bathroom felt like a meat locker...
Murr: you know that strange humming pulsing throbbing sound movies associate with ufo's or other strange things?
Reyn: yes
Murr: heard that in the bathroom while I was freezing my ass off and so.. out of curiosity because I've turned into a dumb blonde from a horror movie
Murr: I went outside
Reyn: lmao
Murr: no birds chirping, no sounds of cars just the humming sound
Murr: then it stopped and all the regular ambience kicked in
Reyn: you're a dumbass
Murr: I know
Murr: I started whimpering like an idiot had to come check the time make sure I didn't fall for a trap gawd
Murr: not that it matters
Soo.. yeah. I hadn't lost any time. I'd been gone a total of seven minutes from when I went brb to when I sat back down. Between going to the bathroom then going outside that's how long it would have taken. And I know that doesn't mean anything, but something about that just was so.. not.. right. Not in the least bit. The sound sent chills down my spine and I couldn't help but go outside to check and see. Haven't had anything like this happen in a long long time. I'm gonna call Dad about it. Have a pounding headache now too.
Edit: 7:35pm - I called and talked to Dad.. he didn't sound himself, not sure what's up, and I couldn't get him to talk for long. So I told him what happened. He asked me about time loss. Nothing new there, same old drill. He said it was probably an electro-magnet field. Also nothing new there. Guess I was expecting more from Dad.. some reassurance or insight. *sighs* Oh well. Time to watch Charmed now that it's frickin 7:52. Gonna take a quick nap after that.. and hopefully Reyn will be on and the headache will be gone.