So here are a few of my dreams from the past. I'll just put them in one post for now, and add the others when I can find them.
The Gnarled Woman 9-14-05
there was a path through the woods, marked off with knotches and symbols on the trees and I was having to follow it deeper and deeper in.. cold misty woods, and the ground slowly started sloping down more and more into a valley, and then I just went sliding and falling through the trees because there was a sudden drop off
whenever I finally hit flat ground again was in some kind of a shallow canyon, with a cabin there.. smoke coming out of a chimney, could see a fire inside through a window.. made my way over.. slowly got up the courage to knock and the door did that eerie just kind of creak open thing
there was an old woman inside... gnarled, wrinkled.. doubled over with age.. she had... one of the most.. hideous, frightening faces I've ever seen.. and she told me to come in and shut the door, because I was letting all her warmth out.. so I went in with that I'm gonna die here, full of dread sense and she pointed to a chair with this long twisted finger
so I sat... and she got me a bowl of some kind of broth and made me drink it... then came over and cupped my chin and stared at me for a while.. then she told me a whole bunch of things
and I can't remember a single one, was just things that were going to happen that I needed to prepare for, and things that I needed to know about so that I could stop them
that woman just downright fuckin freaked me out.. like I shouldn't have been there, shouldn't be listening, shouldn't be touching the broth... can't remember anything past her starting to talk, except I know it didn't end there
(I had a follow up dream to this, where I went back to see the gnarled woman to find out what I had before since I couldn't remember, and she told me that if I came to see her again there would be severe repricussions and this was the last time she would tell me. I still can't remember.)
The Box 9-23-05
was a student in some kind of school for exceptional students.... it wasn't a regular school, it was for people who were gifted somehow but I don't remember how
throughout the entire dream no matter how it varied I was on some sort of schedule, had to find something had to get things at a certain time of day or specific time, no matter what
there was a guy that was sort of in charge of the school I guess and he was so.. negative.. evil.. he was an asshole.. there was a girl that charmed my best friend into marrying him in the middle of school so I'm like driving them off to get married protesting saying no you can't do this it's wrong she tricked you come on baby you don't wanna do this and I swerve and ram into something and he gets knocked out of it and the charm wears off he takes off to go home and get away from her before it starts again.. take the girl back to the school and the guy in charge... like the principal.. has us escorted into the building to his office and I'm saying he's gonna kill you for this you're in so much trouble and we sit and wait and he shows up and then I'm the one that's getting my ass chewed and she's all smug like I knew what I was doing I was supposed to do it and he sends her off and then I'm arguing with him about how that's bullshit and wrong and he can't get away with it someone will find out.. he like starts to escort me out of the building himself with his hand on my jaw telling me how no one will even know I'm missing no one will remember, and it was such a loss because I had potential but I just can't see the bigger picture.. and I like bite his finger, bite down hard enough to try and break it or sever it and he finally lets go then I run for it..
a lot of stuff happened between the beginning and end and I can't remember it all.. Reyn was the best friend I saved.. um.. there were other people I recognized, we got together on this.. save the end of the world or be guardians against something team and we worked towards protecting people from the apocalypse or other people like us that had special gifts/abilities.. and this part is just all sort of muddled into a lapse..
the end of the dream I went into this really really old place.. like way old.. and I had to climb up.. was climbing up through like this old.. walled in section or something, pulling myself up from one wooden beam to the next, and I kept checking at certain points feeling for something behind the boards against the wall.. and I finally found it, pulled it out and had to secure myself so I wouldn't fall then opened it.. it was an old, old old box.. dark wood and black.. the top was sort of inlaid on it.. slid into a groove the whole way across to shut it and when it was closed you couldn't tell how it even opened..
on the back of the lid when you flipped it over it looked like it was meant to be an egyptian artwork to sit on a table or something was black with gold embossing and it was basically this mountain scene with an eclipsed sun over it, and dark, dead things were coming up the mountain, like zombies or mummies, things that weren't alive and things that would.. bring about the end of existence or something
inside the box was another puzzle piece, the entire quest to find this had been nothing but a huge puzzle piece, and like always there was a piece missing, things slid into place and locked and there was some kind of herb or root inside it that you had to eat and something else, but there was a small little piece missing off the corner like it had broken off so you couldn't finish the incantation that was on the thing to invoke or jump start whatever it was that was supposed to happen when you did it..
so I closed the box back up and put it under my shirt tucked into my pants and instead of climbing back down, I kept going up.. was like climbing up an old chimney or ventilation shaft or something except it was all stone/brick and it had been boarded up at some point so there were the wooden beams dispersed along the inside.. and I finally stopped near the top and pushed a board aside instinctively and crawled out into a small like attic room, and on the mantle on the far side of the room was the piece that was missing from the box thing.. went and grabbed that stuck it in my jeans and then took the stairs down.. go figure, couldn't take the stairs up but there were stairs down
get out let someone know that I had the box and then low and behold Jason like shows up out of no where.. hasn't been in any of the rest of the dream, except I can tell it isn't Jason.. and he shouldn't be in the dream.. he didn't fit.. and his mom is with him and he's like did you get it? let me see it? and he looks at it and he's in awe about me finding it and he wants to go ahead and do the invocation now like *right* then and there and I'm getting a worse and worse feeling about it and he goes off to get us something to eat with the stuff inside the box that you have to eat and his mom's like waiting with me and I'm showing her the stuff and trying to explain to her what the language is and what the end result is and she turns the lid on the box over and looks at it and goes.. hmm.. well you realize if you do this that you'll unleash all these things on the people that you were supposed to save.. this doesn't do the good you thought it would do
and so Jason comes back and I'm struggling trying to decide whether to do the invocation or go put the box back where I got it and throw the broken off piece away and he's trying to urge me to go ahead and do it and when I finally tell him I won't he's all dejected then he's like ok.. well.. you can head home.. so I get ready to go and I still have the box with me for some reason and I start to drive home and Jason calls me and like wants me to do the invocation over the phone with him while I'm driving and I protested for a long time then gave in and started it and that's when I woke up