Thursday, July 20, 2006

Worst Dream Ever 7/20/06

I just woke up from the worst nightmare I've ever had. I had to take a shower. I don't know what brought it on or wtf it means and I don't know to know but I felt like I had to write it down so here goes. In part at least. I woke up with blood between my thighs, something's not right about that.

Was somewhere with mom and dad and I wasn't a kid but I was still under their command/authority and.. they were having like marital problems and barely talked and I had a Master somewhere and he had just died and I guess that's why I was back with them? Long story short... Dad made me have sex with him and I just did it I didn't complain or put up a fight I was actually enjoying it and he said a lot of stuff about mom had lost his interest and wasn't I just turning out to be a delectable woman.

I've gotta stop now but I think you get the drift. WTF OMG?? Going to go cry now.