Monday, November 21, 2005

iPod? Not sure.. 11/21/05

Had a weird dream and I can't remember any of it now. Something to do with... we were looking for something and there were images of it stored on an iPod Shuffle and someone had a tiny little screen with an adapter for it that you hook up to view the files and everyone kept saying give it to him to see, let him look at it.. so they shoved it at me and I was looking through the files going omg that's just.. wow they have that too.. omfg I thought this was lost..

I can't remember now what the items were! Fuckin a... ah well. It was something, as usual, to do with astronomy related items, or ancient archaeological tools, etc etc. Things you'd expect to find in something like Stargate. Little sun dials that line up with planets to show a map or.. well, you get the idea.

So it's back to this. The same stuff as from the dream about the box. I think it's probably the same time frame, the same reality. I just don't know if it's an alternate reality/dimension, or it's a future life. Either way, it keeps coming up. I know whatever the things are we're looking for, they're extremely important to the cause. 'The Cause' ..... 'The Bigger Picture' ...... I think this has something to do with the Indigo Children, and with.. things coming to an end/new beginning.

I just wish I could remember more. It's 1:36 now. 30 minutes to write this little bit??? Grrrrrr....